Sunday, April 28, 2013


tooth care
If you see your tooth catching that pale thing....... trying a lot of things to get rid of that yellow look and worried about your teeth.

Here is one for your tooth guys try it out and tell us your experience..

Put a tiny bit of toothpaste into a small cup, mix in one teaspoon baking soda plus one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, and half a teaspoon water.

Thoroughly mix then brush your teeth for two minutes. Remember to do it once a week until you have reached the results you want. 

Once your teeth are good and white, limit yourself to using the whitening treatment once every month or two.

courtesy :FB


Keyboard shortcuts and Alt codes


The ALT key can help you access alt codes, or characters that aren't readily available on a normal keyboard. These codes can be used to write in foreign languages, mathematical equations, or to add fun symbols to your messages. Below ☟ is how to do it on a PC or a Mac, then a list of symbols such as π, ♫ and ♥.

Alt + 0153..... ™... trademark symbol
Alt + 0169.... ©.... copyright symbol
Alt + 0174..... ®....registered ­ trademark symbol
Alt + 0176 ...°......degre ­e symbol
Alt + 0177 ...± ­-minus sign
Alt + 0182 ...¶.....paragr ­aph mark
Alt + 0190 ...¾....fractio ­n, three-fourths
Alt + 0215 ....×.....multi ­plication sign
Alt + 0162...¢....the ­ cent sign
Alt + 0161.....¡..... ­.upside down exclamation point
Alt + 0191.....¿..... ­upside down question mark
Alt + 1.......☺ ­iley face
Alt + 2 ......☻.....bla ­ck smiley face
Alt + 15.....☼ ­n
Alt + 12......♀.....f ­emale sign
Alt + 11.....♂......m ­ale sign
Alt + 6.......♠.....s ­pade
Alt + 5.......♣...... ­Club
Alt + 3.......♥...... ­Heart
Alt + 4.......♦...... ­Diamond
Alt + 13......♪.....e ­ighth note
Alt + 14......♫...... ­beamed eighth note
Alt + 8721.... ∑.... N-ary summation (auto sum)
Alt + 251.....√.....s ­quare root check mark
Alt + 8236.....∞..... ­infinity
Alt + 24.......↑..... ­up arrow
Alt + 25......↓...... ­down arrow
Alt + 26.....→.....ri ­ght arrow
Alt + 27......←.....l ­eft arrow
Alt + 18.....↕......u ­p/down arrow
Alt + 29......↔...lef ­t right arrow

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Bike Buying Tips

The Right Bike for You

Want to buy a bike but don't know where to begin? 

Maybe a friend of yours recommends getting a certain bike, while another biking buddy insists that his bike is the best choice for you. 

Who do you listen to? How about neither? 
What you need to do is sit down, relax and figure out what your priorities and preferences are to determine what bike is going to work best for you. Here are some points you will definitely want to consider before you pick out your new set of wheels.

What's Your Riding Style?
Start by asking yourself why you want to ride to begin with. Is it for exercise? Do you want to fly through the air for the thrill or the sport of it? Where are you going to ride? Through city streets or back road trails? 

Once you define your style of riding, it will be easier for you to choose the kind of bike you need.
There Are a Variety of Bike Options Available

Although there is a multitude of bike styles, the following are some of the most popular:
Mountain Bikes: These are durable bikes you can take off the road. Mountain bikes have fat tires, comfortably wide handlebars, and low gears for easier navigation of hills.

Road Bikes: If you plan on doing long rides, pavement riding, this is the bike for you. Road bikes are built for speed, have thinner tires and handlebars, and are overall, much lighter in weight 
Hybrid Bikes: This type of bike combines the features of mountain bikes and road bikes. Hybrid bikes are perfect for those who want to experiment with all styles of riding.

Cruisers: These bikes are generally one speed and are constructed for literally just that-cruising.

Comfort Bikes: These are specialty mountain bikes or hybrids that offer more upright riding and softer seats. These bikes are essentially designed for riders who desire more comfort in their ride.

Size Matters

Some bike models offer up to eight different sizes. To determine the right size for you, measure your inseam-this will determine the right size frame, in terms of stand-over-height. Like a pair of jeans, the right fit is important.

Ask Questions

Don't be afraid to ask advice about what you don't understand, such as quick release, bike maintenance, what kind of equipment you need, etc. Knowing what you need to know is the difference between easy riding and not so easy riding.

Buy a Bike You Like

Take even the smallest details into consideration when buying a bike: how it rides, size, how it looks, color--everything. After all, it's your set of wheels--ride it proudly.  

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How to root your Android phone or tablet

How to Root Your Android Device & Why You Might Want To  

You’ve probably heard of people “rooting” their Android phones. Now you are wondering how to root your android yourself – or wondered why people would bother – or If the allure of being a superuser tempting you? 

Root your android

you’re in luck. You can root your Android in just a few minutes.

Android rooting opens up a world of possibility, but it can also void your warranty, or even leave you with a bricked device.

The important thing is to be careful. Read up about what you are going to do before you begin. Make sure that you backup your data. Follow the instructions to the letter. Manufacturers and carriers have a vested interest in dissuading you from rooting. If you’re careful, the risk is minimal, and the potential benefits are impressive. Let’s take a closer look.

After rooting your device, you have full access to the entire system and can run special types of apps that require root permissions. These apps can disable bloatware, control app permissions, enable tethering, and do lots of other cool things.

What is “Root,” Anyway?

If you’re an Administrator on a Windows machine, you have access to the entire operating system and you can do whatever you like. That’s essentially what happens if you root your Android device. With root access, you can get around any restrictions that your manufacturer or carrier may have applied.

You can run more apps; you can customize your device to a greater degree; and you can potentially speed it up in a variety of ways.
The process involves backing up your current software and then flashing (installing) a new custom ROM (modified version of Android).

Android is based on Linux. On Linux and other UNIX-like operating systems, the root user is equivalent to the Administrator user on Windows. The root user has access to the entire operating system and can do anything. By default, you don’t have root access to your Android device, and certain apps won’t function without root access.

With root access, you can disable the bloatware that comes with your phone, manually deny app permissions, run a firewall, access the entire file system, or tether your device, even if tethering functionality has been disabled. You’ll find many apps that require root access in the Google Play store (formerly known as the Android Market), although they won’t function until you root your device.

Preparation for root

The actual rooting process itself should only take a single click. However, you’ll need to do a few quick things first:

Download and install the Java JDK and Android SDK on your computer before continuing. Java must be installed before the Android SDK.

Enable USB debugging on your Android. On the device, go into the Settings screen, tap Applications, tap Development, and enable the USB debugging check box.

Connect your Android to your computer using its included USB cable. Don’t mount the device’s SD card on your computer – just plug it in.

You’ll also need the USB drivers for your phone or tablet installed. SuperOneClick itself should be able to automatically install the appropriate drivers – however, if this fails, you’ll need to download and install the appropriate drivers from the device manufacturer’s website.

Rooting With SuperOneClick

One of the easiest methods of rooting, which also supports a long list of devices, is SuperOneClick. You’ll find clear instructions, including a video, on how to use it at this XDA Developers SuperOneClick thread.

You will need to install some software to prepare, but the actual rooting process is one click. It will only take a few minutes to complete and then you’ll need to restart your Android device.

There is software out there that claims to provide one click rooting with no extra installs, but you should not have to pay to root your device and it’s very important to be wary about the method you choose. If in doubt, do more research. The XDA Developers forum is the most trustworthy source for rooting guides.

The reason rooting isn’t more straightforward is that all Android devices are not created equal. There are significant differences between Android smartphones, between manufacturers, and even between carrier specific versions of the same phone model. Make sure that any rooting guide or custom ROM you intend to use does support your specific device or you are asking for trouble

Before you root your Android phone or tablet, there are a few things you should be aware of:
Warranty – Some manufacturers assert that rooting voids your device’s warranty. However, rooting will not actually damage your hardware. You can “unroot” your device and manufacturers won’t be able to tell if it’s been rooted.
Security – Google Wallet, in particular, has a vulnerability on rooted devices that could allow other apps to access your PIN and other wallet information.  Google Wallet displays a warning message if you run it on a rooted device. If you’re one of the few people using Google Wallet for NFC payments, you may want to reconsider rooting your device.
Bricking – Rooting a device is a very safe process. However, there’s always some danger of “bricking” a device when you go outside the normal parameters and hack around with it — particularly if you’re trying to root a device or operating system version not supported by a tool. “Bricking” refers to breaking the device, making it about as useful as a brick. When you root, jailbreak, or install a custom ROM, or otherwise hack around, you do so at your own risk. It’s a good idea to do a little bit of research first and see if other people report success rooting your device.

What is Mouth ulcers


What is Mouth ulcers and its Home remedy cure?
Mouth ulcers

Anyone who suffers from mouth ulcers knows how painful and irritating they can be. In severe cases multiple ulcers may appear and the discomfort can make talking and eating difficult. But what causes these little sores? And how can you get rid of them naturally?

An ulcer is an open sore that appears in the soft tissue of the mouth. There can be many reasons why ulcers may appear such as prescription drugs and infectious diseases such as thrush or herpes. But poor oral hygiene, accidental biting of the lip, tongue or cheek and constant rubbing against sharp misaligned teeth or braces are the main causes behind the annoying little sores. There are those who regularly get multiple mouth ulcers for no specific reason at all. In fact it is thought that around 20% of the American population suffers from what are known as aphthous ulcers. This type of ulcer may appear during times of stress or trauma and in some cases may be due to a vitamin and mineral deficiency.
The first sign of the sore may be a tingling, burning sensation inside the mouth. They can occur either singly or in clusters. They are usually white or yellow in color, surrounded by red halos. Usually they heal within 7 to 10 days. There are 3 types of ulcers:
• Minor ulcers
• Large ulcers
• Herpetiform ulcers (where one can have up to 100 very small painful ulcers)
Common Causes of Mouth ulcers
• Nutritional deficiencies such as iron, vitamins, especially B12 and C
• Poor dental hygiene
• Food allergies
• Stress
• Infections particularly herpes simplex
• Biting the cheek
• Hormonal imbalance
• Bowel disease
• Skin disease
Home Remedies for Mouth Ulcers
If your ulcers are mainly due to a poor diet there are some simple steps that you can take to prevent them. Eat more fruit and veggies and foods that are rich in vitamin B as these are thought to work wonders. Avoid eating hot and spicy foods as these can irritate your mouth and make you more prone to ulcers.
These are few effective home remedies/ tips for Mouth Ulcer.

Tip 1:

Coconut oil is fast becoming known as a great home remedy for a number of things including curing mouth ulcers. Simply rub some of the oil directly on to your ulcers twice a day and you should notice a massive difference.
Grate some fresh coconut. Extract the milk and gargle with this 3-4 times a day.

Tip 2:

Keep 1 glass of chilled water and 1 glass of hot water ready at hand. Gargle alternately with hot and cold water.

Tip 3:

Boil 2 cups of water. Add 1 cup fenugreek leaves and remove. Cover and keep for sometime. Strain the water and gargle 2-3 times a day.

Tip 4:

Boil 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds in 1 cup of water. Remove when slightly warm gargle. Repeat 3-4 times a day.

Tip 5:

Chew on 5-6 tulsi (holy basil leaves) and sip some water. Repeat 5-6 times a day.

Tip 6:

Eating raw tomatoes helps rid mouth ulcers. Can also gargle with tomato juice 3-4 times a day.

Tip 7:

Mix 7 parts of sugar candy (mishri) with 1 part of camphor. Apply on the blister.

Tip 8:

Mix a pinch of turmeric powder to 1 teaspoon glycerin and apply.

Tip 9:

Add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of water and gargle.

courtesy: With Love and care,
Dr. Pradeep Tripathi..

Friday, April 12, 2013

Sultan of Brunei

3 children are born every second in this world;

10 mobile phones sold on the international level;

auto manufacturers produce a car every 4.5 seconds on average;

and on the level of the human mind = brain cells send 200 directives each second to perform the various functions of physical and mental health.

The world spends 37 million Euros for arms on the international level in one second.

And the Sultan of Brunei's wealth increases by 90 Euros every second!

No envy please!

This means around 5400 Euros per minute, 324000 Euros each hour, 7776000 Euros a day

Implies about 54432000 Euros a week (that's 54 million and 432000 thousand Euros)

Brunei's Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah ... President of the richest country in the world Popular, lavish, ... uses gold in everything. Was born literally eating with spoons made of gold Clothes worn embroidered with gold and silver

The largest and most luxurious palace in the world...
Consists of 1788 rooms with some furnished in gold and diamond-encrusted
257 bath inlaid with gold and silver and a garage to accommodate 110 cars
The palace has 650 suites ... each furnished at not less than 150,000 thousand Euros. This requires the visitor to spend 24 hours just to inspect each room for 30 seconds.

The Sultan of Brunei's plane

Most luxurious aircraft in the world, inlaid with gold The Sultan has also a Boeing 747 worth a hundred million dollars, and then re-designed as a home at a cost of more than one hundred and twenty million dollars. Featured add-ons such as a whirlpool bath of pure gold He also has six small aircraft and two helicopters.

At the special request of the Sultan of Brunei, theRolls Royce company combined their car designs with that of Porsche. This vehicle is currently in London  for use during his stay in Britain

When the Sultan of Brunei's daughter married, the legendary celebrations continued for 14 days, at a cost of about five million dollars, attended by more than 25 heads of state and family members. The Princess wears a crown of diamonds and carries a small bouquet of flowers studded with diamonds. She also wears huge diamonds as earrings, adding sparkle to her face.

Wikipedia says he has
531 Mercedes-Benzes
367 Ferraris
362 Bentleys
185 BMWs
177 Jaguars
160 Porsches
130 Rolls-Royces
And 20 Lamborghinis

Bringing the total number of his cars to 1,932

Monday, April 8, 2013

Health Benefits of Pear

-Pears are often recommended as a hypo-allergenic fruit that is high in fiber but less likely to produce adverse reactions. Pear juice is safe to be introduced to infants as they are mild, yet healthful.
Blood pressure: Pears have anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogen glutathione which help prevent high blood pressure and stroke.
-Cancer prevention: The high vitamin C and copper content act as good anti-oxidants that protect cells from damages by free radicals.

-Cholesterol: The high content of pectin in pears make it very useful in helping to lower cholesterol levels.

-Colon health: When not juicing, eat the pear whole for its precious fiber that are highly beneficial for your colon health.

-Constipation: The pectin in pears is diuretic and have a mild laxative effect. Drinking pear juice regularly helps regulate bowel movements.

-Energy: You can get quick and natural source of energy from pear juice, due largely to its high amounts of fructose and glucose.

-Fever: The cooling effect in pear is excellent in relieving fever. Best way to bring a fever down quickly is by drinking a big glass of pear juice.

-Immune booster: The anti-oxidant nutrients in pears are critical in building up your immune system. Drink pear juice when you feel a cold coming.

-Inflammation: Pear juice has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps relieve sufferers of much pain in various inflammatory conditions.

-Osteoporosis: Pears contain high level of boron. Boron helps the body to retain calcium, thus prevents or retards osteoporosis.

-Pregnancy: The high content of folate (folic acid) prevents neural tube defects in infants.

-Shortness of breath: The summer heat may cause children to have shortness of breath with excessive phlegm. Drink pear juice during this period to help clear the phlegm.

-Throat problem: The pears are in season during the summer for a reason. Drinking pear juice every morning and night helps to cool your body down during this time. It nourishes the throat and helps prevent throat problems.

-Vocal chord: Boil two Chinese pear juice with some raw honey and drink warm. This is extremely healing for the throat and the vocal cord.